Dream Doors Named One of the Best Franchisors in the UK

Elite Franchise, the definitive platform for the franchise sector, has placed Dream Doors in the top 20 of the UK’s best franchisors.
Dream Doors has been named as one of the top 20 franchisors in the UK by a leading industry publication. Independent judges for Elite Franchise’s Top 100 awards placed Dream Doors in 19th place, ahead of well-known high street brands such as Vodafone, Kall Kwik and Anytime Fitness. The award result was revealed shortly after Dream Doors began hosting its fourth and final franchisee training session of 2020. Commenting on Dream Doors’ awards success, managing director Ed Brewer said:
“We have once again been recognised as one of the best franchise brands in the UK by independent judges for a leading industry publication.
This accolade is very well deserved and is testament to the hard work and dedication of our almost 100 franchisees working throughout the UK and to our head office staff. Dream Doors has built itself up as a brand for over 20 years and we continue to go from strength to strength as this award shows.”
While Dream Doors was celebrating its award win, the franchisor was also training new franchisees to operate trading territories in Stockport, South Birmingham and Poole. Ed added:
“2020 has been a challenging year but we have still been able to drive our business forward by training new franchise owners to our usual high standard. This December we are hosting our fourth and final training session of 2020 and we will work very hard to maintain that pace of growth into 2021 and beyond.”
Dream Doors is looking for more talented franchisees who are ready to represent an industry-leading brand as part of a recession-proof business model in 2021. There are just 19 new franchise territories available nationwide, particularly in the North East, North West, Yorkshire and Scotland. Interested parties from anywhere in the UK are encouraged to contact Director of Franchise Recruitment, Alex Waite, on 02392 6046, visit dreamdoorsfranchise.co.uk or email [email protected].